Brookwood 167

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Important Graduation Information


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[av_toggle title=’Pictures‘ tags=”]

8th grade graduation photographs (Cap & Gown) | will be taken on Friday, April 28th, 2017.

Students will be going home with instant proofs, consisting of two different poses, and information on ordering.

[av_toggle title=’Cost‘ tags=”]

With graduation, certain expenses are necessary.  The following list will be the total cost for graduation and should be paid in the office.  All payments must be made in CASH and paid in full by May 18th, 2017.



Required Expenses

Optional Expenses

[av_toggle title=’Graduation Party‘ tags=”]


The graduation party will be held on Friday, May 19th, 2017 from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. at Glenwoodie Golf Course. The dinner will be served family style, consisting of tossed salad, soup, fried chicken, Italian sausage, mostaccioli, vegetable, dessert, and soft drinks.  Parents should pick-up their students at 9:00 p.m.

If parents (parents only, no siblings, etc.) would like to attend and have dinner with the students, the cost will be $25.00 for each parent.

Boys should wear dress pants and sport coats. Girls should wear dresses, gowns, or pantsuits (low-cut, or revealing dresses are not allowed). Limousines, tuxedos and formals are not appropriate because they place undue pressure on parents and students to spend more money than is necessary for such an occasion. Students not following these guidelines will not be permitted to attend the dance.

We cannot accept reservations after May 5th because we have to give our final count to Glenwoodie Golf Club.

[av_toggle title=’Tickets‘ tags=”]

Each eighth grade graduate will receive four (4) tickets.  No extra tickets will be issued.  This is due to safety & occupancy codes. Admission to graduation exercises will be BY TICKET ONLY! 

EVERYONE entering must have a ticket (except the graduate). All tickets will be distributed to the graduate at the end of our last practice.

*Reminder – Any school fees incurred during the school year

must be paid before graduation fees can be paid.

[av_toggle title=’Records‘ tags=”]

All the graduates’ temporary records will be sent to either Bloom High School or Homewood-Flossmoor High School (Homewood-Flossmoor for students living in Glenwood Manor, or Bloom High School for all other graduates) unless a transfer is signed in our office by a parent or guardian advising us to send their records to another school.

Please come to the Brookwood Junior High School office to sign this student transfer form before May 30th, 2017.  Again, this is only if students are going to a school other than Bloom or Homewood-Flossmoor. Even if the test was taken at Marian or any other private school parents must still must sign release papers.

[av_toggle title=’The Ceremony‘ tags=”]

Graduation Date: Wednesday, May 31th, 2017

Caps and gowns will be worn.  As you know, these caps and gowns may be kept by the students.  Flowers should [NOT] be presented during the ceremony please wait until the graduates are out of the gym after the ceremony. No balloons or distractive items will be allowed in the gymnasium.  We would like to maintain the dignity of the ceremony and minimize distractions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school at (708) 758-5252.


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The class of 2017 has had an outstanding year and I have enjoyed working with them. Although we are sending students to high school, we are not saying goodbye. We hope our students come back to visit and share their success with us.

Ms. Bethany A. Lindsay | Principal


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