freedom of information act (FOIA)

Brookwood 167

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a state statute that provides the public the right to access government documents and records. The premise behind FOIA is that the public has a right to know what the government is doing.

The law provides that a person can ask a public body for a copy of its records on a specific subject and the public body must provide those records, unless there is an exemption in the statute that protects those records from disclosure (for example: records containing information concerning trade secrets or personal privacy).

filing a (FOIA) request

Brookwood 167

Any request for public records may be addressed to:

Brookwood School District #167
201 Glenwood-Dyer Road
Glenwood, IL 60425

Office Hours: Monday – Friday | 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM (except holidays)

Phone: 708 758 5190
Fax: 708 757 2104

All requests to inspect and/or obtain a copy of a District record must be made in writing and submitted by mail, personal delivery, fax, or e-mail.

Requests may be submitted in writing by mail, personal delivery, e-mail or other means available. The request should specify the records desired and include the name and address of the person requesting the information. Records may be inspected in person during regular office hours at the location specified above.

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