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Frequently Asked Questions For Common Core State Standards
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[av_toggle title=’What are the Common Core State Standards? ‘ tags=”]
The Common Core State Standards communicate what is expected of students at each grade level in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, listening and mathematics. They set the guidelines for what each student should learn. These standards are designed to help assure that all students graduating from high school are prepared for college and/or work force. They include rigorous, content and higher order thinking skills. In addition, the standards match up with international standards so that our students are competitive in the global world.
[av_toggle title=’What steps has our district taken to implement the Common Core State Standards?’ tags=”]
- Articulation and communication of the expectations of CCSS.
- Professional development for all staff in the district.
- Identification and implementation of multiple and systemic transition strategies that support an effective shift from current standards to CCSS.
- Principals will ensure access to effective professional development for building staff.
- Continually collect, analyze and use data to effectively develop and monitor CCSS implementation plans.
- Create and foster a culture of collaboration with staff teams.
- Teachers will understand what the CCSS requires students to know and be able to do.
- Designing and implementing instruction that supports every student in meeting CCSS.
- Continually assessing student’s progress toward the standards using multiple assessment practices.
[av_toggle title=’What are the benefits for my child in writing?’ tags=”]
Students will become college and career-ready writers by considering the task, purpose and audience while carefully choosing words, information and formats. They will progress toward having the ability to produce high-quality first draft text under a tight deadline, as well as the ability to revisit and refine writing over multiple drafts. They will write arguments to support claims, informative pieces to relate a complex idea, and narratives to develop real or imaginary events.
[av_toggle title=’What are the benefits for my child in reading?’ tags=”]
As teachers implement the Common Core, students will be asked to read more difficult text sooner, and discuss what they read at a higher level. For example, students in the 5th grade will be asked to “Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.”
[av_toggle title=’What are the benefits for my child in speaking and listening?’ tags=”]
The speaking and listening standards require students to develop real life communication skills including interpersonal skills, not just skills for formal presentations. For example, 6th grade students will be asked to do the following: “Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.”
[av_toggle title=’What are the benefits for my child in mathematics?’ tags=”]
The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe the mathematical behaviors all students will develop in the Common Core Standards. These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” including problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, representation, and making connections. These practices will help students understand the why of mathematics and apply math skills with confidence. They will learn to apply mathematics to problems in everyday life. Asking a student to understand something means assessing their ability to explain why a particular mathematic statement is true. This is a lot more challenging than a rote process of plugging numbers into formulas.
[av_toggle title=’When will these changes take place?’ tags=”]
The implementation of the Common Core will take place over several years. During the past summer, last school year as well as the current school year, teachers began the process of understanding the new standards and weaving them into their curriculum. The Common Core will be fully in place by the 2014-2015 school year.
[av_toggle title=’Where can I learn more about the Common Core?’ tags=”]
You may go directly to the Common Core website: www.corestandards.org
Also, feel free to address any questions to your building principals:
Longwood School- Reggie Patterson, 708-757-2100
Hickory Bend School- Shawn Jackson, 708-758-4520
Brookwood Middle School- Onquanette Pierce, 708-758-5350
Brookwood Junior High- Beth Lindsay, 708-758-5252