The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title I Funds are used in a variety of ways to support Teaching and Learning in Brookwood School District 167.
One of the ways is by using the funds to purchase intervention programs such as Read 180, iRead, Math 180, and Do the Math. These programs are available for students needing support in Reading and Math from Grades K through 8 on a daily basis. All teachers using the programs receive onsite, job-embedded training and coaching in using the programs with fidelity.
Title I Funds have also been used for supplemental digital resource programs such as Brain Pop and Flocabulary. Student materials such as handwriting workbooks, grammar workbooks, Math and Reading workbooks, classroom novels, classroom libraries, and student headphones have also been purchased.
Title I Funds are used for assessment programs such as NWEA – Measures of Academic Progress and ESGI – Educational Software For Guiding Instruction. Professional development is provided to staff through book studies such as “Teach Like a Pirate” and “What Great Teachers Do Differently”. Funds are also used to partially support salaries for instructional coaches, library clerks, and a preschool coordinator. The Parent Institute Flyer, which is posted monthly on the District website, promotes family engagement ideas and opportunities.
Title I Funds ensure that all children have an opportunity to meet challenging state academic standards.