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returning student
registration portal


*residency (required)

Student’s Name (Please use the student’s legal name as it appears on their birth certificate).

*Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) New U.S. Department of Education Race and Ethnicity Data Standards (Required)

The U.S. Department of Education has issued new guidance on the collection and reporting of race and ethnicity data for public school students and staff. The guidance implements new federal race and ethnicity categories that were developed to obtain a more accurate picture of the nation’s diversity. The new data collection process requires respondents to answer a two-part question, indicating ethnicity first and then one or more of five (5) races.


*home language survey (required)

The primary purpose of the Home Language Survey is to help identify students who may qualify for support to help them develop the English language skills necessary for success in the classroom and who may qualify for other services.

*parent/legal guardian information (required)


non-custodial parent
mailing information

This optional form authorizes a non-custodial parent to receive copies of all parent communications.

*Emergency contact information (required)

This form is required and collects the names of responsible adults who will assume responsibility for the child if the parent(s) cannot be reached. (Please provide three (3) individuals.)


*transportation information (required)

This required form indicates whether  your child is a bus rider, walker or will be dropped off and picked up from school.

*Receipt Of Handbooks &
Additional Authorizations (required)

These required forms acknowledge receipt of the Parent/Student School Handbook and Parent/Student Discipline and Information Handbook and provide Technology Use and Media Release Authorizations.

administration of medication

The primary responsibility for administering any medication (either prescription or over-the-counter) to a child belongs to the parent(s) or guardian(s). It is encouraged that the schedule for all medications be adjusted so that none need to be given during school hours. However, the school recognizes there may be some children whose daily attendance at school requires some medication be administered during the school day.

*technology fee (required)

If you did not receive a Technology Fee Waiver, a payment of $100.00 per family is due, payable by Credit Card, Check, or Cash.

If a parent/guardian is unable to pay, a fee payment agreement can be arranged.


*cell phone policy (required)

Our Cell Phone Policy:

1. Your cell phone must be off

2. Your cell phone must be out of sight